Polar Plunge Run

Anywhere, IN

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

Top Teams

Leo Lions $170.00


Special Olympics has held a special place in my heart for many, many years. My younger sister, Tori, has Down Syndrome, and has been a participant in Special Olympics for almost 20 years. Because of Tori, I was given the opportunity to become a peer player for her softball and volleyball leagues. I thoroughly enjoyed my time acting as a peer player, I made new friends and wonderful memories. The athletes are competitive, talented, and get the biggest joys of their accomplishments. Best of all, they have great sportsmanship, something we all can learn from. I encourage any and all of you to search out a Special Olympics event and be a spectator, and watch the athletes thrive. If you want to step it up, try to become a peer player and play alongside them and help them achieve gold medals! If either of those don't work for you, then I kindly ask to please consider supporting and donating to my fundraiser so this program is able to continue to provide a wonderful environment for athletes.  Thank you.

My Contributors

Rebecka Brizendine $35.00
Shirley Ketron $50.00
Trust Guard Security Scanned